there is no try" One of my favorite quotes from you guessed it, the Jedi master himself, Yoda. This is just one of the many nuggets that has great practical value for life. Either you apply and give all you are to what you are doing or you don't do it at all, why halfway do something? I have recently came to understand that we should present excellence in everything we do, why? Because why give God and other people something that was half way done or something that could have been better. When a Jedi has a task, he devotes himself fully to that task until it is completed, there is no sitting on the fence for a Jedi, as Christians, we should be even more devoted to working to glorify Him. What I want you to catch here is that this should be the norm, "do or do not, THERE IS NO TRY" there is not an option to halfway do something, EVERYTIME we do something it should be done with a mindset of excellence. He has given us so much, why can't we give our very best back to Him in all we do? It won't be easy, it won't always be fun, but I can promise it will play a big part in changing the world, it will make others see a difference in us, it will let others see Christ through us. Try it.
K Bye
Show and Tell
6 years ago