Thursday, February 12, 2009

I can't believe its not Christianity!

I understand the need to reach out to the lost, you have to show them their need for a savior, I understand that you introduce them to Christ whom they have never met, that you should try to inspire them by the way you live BUT how do you inspire those who think they are inspired, how do you convince the people who think they have it all figured out? I am not talking about your average non-Christian, I mean the people that fill our churches thinking that they have it together and who during the invitation even "pray" for people to respond but you look at their life, you look at who they are, and you don't see Jesus, I mean you see good things like going to church or giving money or even talking about Jesus, but you don't SEE Him and how He lived. I believe that some of us have chosen this imitation Christianity, this seemingly good lifestyle that makes us feel great and look great but has no kingdom value. I honestly don't know how to inspire this people group to change. I pray you examine yourself as I have and make sure you haven't sold your self out to this cheap imitation. I pray that you are truly inspired by Christ, not the idea of Christ but by Him and how incredible He is and I pray you are changed because of Him.

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